Eskaton Hazel Shirley Manor Affordable Apartments
- 11025 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530
- 510-232-3430
- $119 - $1000** crowd sourced

About This Building
Eskaton HazelShirley Manor is located in El Cerrito, just minutes from Interstate 80.Conveniently located in the Bay area, El Cerrito is approximately 20minutes from San Francisco and 10 minutes from Berkeley. Publictransportation, shopping, the El Cerrito Senior Center and the postoffice are located nearby.
Eskaton Hazel Shirley Manor offers affordable housing toseniors aged 62 years or older. Accessible units are available toapplicants who are 18 years of age or older and require the features of aunit designed for persons with mobility impairments.
HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)subsidizes Eskaton Hazel Shirley Manor; therefore, applicants must meetthe HUD-controlled admission income limits for the County of ContraCosta in order to qualify for housing.