Seabreeze Condominiums
- 1450 Locust Ave, Long Beach, CA 90813
- 5627865054
- $100 - $800** crowd sourced

About This Building
Seabreeze Condominiums (Formerly Sea Gate Village) is a 93 unit condo community that was built in 1991. In October 2010, KOTI LLC took control from the original developer. KOTI LLC is currently in the process of renovating these 47 units as well as assisting the HOA with the exterior upgrades to the community.Seabreeze is FHA Approved and many homes are ready for occupancy.The community will offer both one bedroom condos starting at $85,000, and two bedroom condos starting at $123,000.Our renovated condos will come standard with upgraded flooring, granite counter tops, new cabinetry, redesigned bathrooms, stainless steel appliances, and new paint and carpet.All condos in the community also have balcony space and assigned parking in the parking structure.The community features a swimming pool, nice size club room, two large courtyards with fountains, onsite laundry facilities, and a full time, onsite manager. The HOA dues are $235/month, regardless of the size.