- 20-28 Sargeant Street, Hartford, CT 06105
- 860-236-3617-101
- $300 - $900** crowd sourced

About This Building
Co-Opportunity is a Housing and Urban Development Approved Housing Counseling Agency. As part of their housing assistance program mission statement, Co-Opportunity states: "Once you are accepted into the Home ownership program, you will participate in counseling to asses your readiness to purchase a home. If you're ready, you will attend classes (generally four two-hour evening or weekend classes, but this can vary) and develop a home ownership plan. If you're not ready, you will develop a plan with your coach to get you to the point of readiness. We'll work with you every step of the way."
They offer potential renters services in the areas of fair housing pre-purchase education workshops, financial management, budget counseling, mortgage delinquency and default resolution counseling, non-delinquency post purchase workshops for homeowners, pre-purchase counseling, pre-purchase homebuyer education workshops, predatory lending education workshops, and rental housing counseling. Representatives speak both english as well as spanish.