York County Community Action Corp.
- 6 Spruce St, Sanford, ME 04073
- 207-324-5762
- $100 - $100** crowd sourced

About This Building
Yccac was founded more than 35 years ago as a result of the economic opportunity act of 1964.
Through their work, they seek to eliminate "the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty".
They achieve their mission by creating the opportunity for our clients to develop long term assets, whether tangible (e.g., through home ownership programs) or intangible (e.g., through educational and health services).
For those who have the potential to become financially self-sufficient, they offer advocacy, training, transitional services, and income support.
For those whose ability to increase income through wages is limited (i.e., the elderly and people with disabilities), they offer assistance to pay for basics such as housing, heat and utilities, and food supplements.