Notting HIll Townhomes
- 3800 Overland Heights, Greensboro, NC 27407
- 310-990-3639
- $150 - $1000** crowd sourced

About This Building
GREAT all brick 2 bedroom and 1.5 bath Townhouse with approx 900 sq ft; New elementary school being built at the end of the street. Super Great location with easy access: Shopping, Banking, Krispy Cream Donuts, Walmart, Wells Fargo and 2 Bus lines located right next to the property. $699.00* plus 100 for water, sewer, trash pick up, lawn care, pest control and stove. Reduced Non refundable cleaning and key fee of $450.00 to move in with proof of voucher, ssi, or disability. or 799 refundable security plus 150.00 key Fee. No credit check or background check with proof of full monthly government subsidy / income. On 2x bus lines.
Accepts Housing Choice Vounchers
2 bedroom apartments at location