St John's Village West Family Homes Cleveland
- East 36th - East 39th street Central Ave-Cedar Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115
- 216-341-1455
- $100 - $700** crowd sourced

About This Building
St John's Village West Family Homes Cleveland isa Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartment located in Cleveland, OH.
This community offers housing for low income housing with rent-to own opportunities. Homes include full basements, a full, expansive kitchen and energy efficient washer/dryer sets. All units have full security systems.Conveniently close to schools, churches and retail. Playground and park on property for resident use.
Rent from $450- $625. Section 8 vouchers accepted.
TIP: Knowing About LIHTC (Low Income Tax Credit) units for rent.Income from all of the adults expected to reside at this apartment must be included and verified at application time. Call for more details.