Oberlin Manor
- 1220 W 37th St, Lorain, OH 44053
- 440-282-5343
- $250 - $850** crowd sourced

About This Building
Housing for seniors (age 62 +) and disabled persons. (Priority is given to elderly, age 62 or over)1 and 2 bedroom apartmentsRENT AND DEPOSIT ARE BASED ON INCOMEOberlin Manor is an ideal community in Lorain, Ohio.
All of our spacious 1 bedroom apartments are HUD Subsidized.
To be eligible for assistance Heads of Households or Co-heads must be age 62 + or disabled with priority given to elderly, age 62 and over.
Rent and Security Deposit are based on income.
The rent includes ALL Utilities and a Basic Cable Package!
They are convenient to shopping centers, restaurants and banking.
What We Offer:Air conditioned, utilities includedBasic cableCarpet thoughoutAppliancesResident parkingConvenient to banks, restaurants, churches, post office, hospitals, and pharmaciesResident activities, exercise class, craftsHandicap accessibleCommunity room with kitchen and librarySprinkler system throughout building; smoke detectors in each unitControlled entry system and video surveillanceBus stop in front of buildingPrescription deliveryLaundry facilityNon-slip bathtub with grab barsStorage closet in each suiteMeals on Wheels availablePlanned community activities
This apartment accepts HUD subsidies.For HUD subsidized apartments, if you qualify for low income housing and they have available apartments, rent is based on 30% of your Adjusted Gross Income.Call for details.
1 bedroom apartments at location
2 bedroom apartments at location