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Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority

About This Building

 Provides safe, decent, affordable housingfor eligible households. Agency owns 240 units in Lake County:JacksonTowers (Painseville) has 100 single units designated for use by seniorsage 62 and older, and those with disabilities; Washington Square(Painseville) has 70 single units designated for use by seniors age 62and older, and those with disabilities; Woodlawn Homes (Painseville) has70 family units. Administers Federal funds to provide decent, safe and sanitary housingfor the low-income population of Lake County through two programs:Low-Income Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerlySection 8).

Office hours: M-Th: 7:30am-6:00pm; F: 8:00am-5:00pm.

Walk-in to apply, or call to request that an application be sent viamail. If clients are elderly, handicapped or have difficulty withtransportation, they may have a representative fill out the applicationfor them. There is one to two year waiting list for this service.


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