Cheryl West San Antonio Housing Authority Public Housing Apartment
- 333 W Cheryl Dr, San Antonio, TX
- 210-477-6318
- $248 - $248** crowd sourced

About This Building
San Antonio Housing Authority Family Community. The San Antonio Housing Authority owns or manages this apartment community. Contact the apartment with the phone number listed forsubsidized and or non subsidized affordable housing opportunities for moderate-income individuals and families.Purchased in 1995 as a family community for FSS participants. The community consists of ten two-story concrete buildings. There are 52 townhomes of which 4 are handicap accessible. Located in desirable location between Fredericksburg and IH 10.
Charles Andrews: 52 units
Schools (Northside): Colonies North Elementary School
Hobby Middle School
Clark High School
Rents are based on the greater of 30% of monthly-adjusted income 10% of monthly income ($25 minimum rent); Flat Rent (varies by property as determined by market survey).
Residents pay electricity and gas; San Antonio Housing Authority pays water