Frank Hornsby San Antonio Housing Authority Public Housing Apartment
- 740 Rice Rd, San Antonio, TX 78220
- 210-477-6348
- Call for rent $

About This Building
San Antonio Housing Authority Elderly and Disable Community. The San Antonio Housing Authority owns or manages this apartment community. Contact the apartment with the phone number listed forsubsidized and or non subsidized affordable housing opportunities for moderate-income individuals and families.
The Frank Hornsby Apartments was built in 1997. There are 5 buildings that are ground level and 4 buildings that are 2-story. There are a total of 59 units; and four (4) units are Handicap Accessible.
Frank Hornsby: 59 units
Rents are based on the greater of 30% of monthly-adjusted income 10% of monthly income ($25 minimum rent); flat rent (varies by property as determined by market survey)
Senior case manager
Resident council
24 Hr maintenance
Community activities
Limited transportation by the San Antonio Housing Authority
Health fair
Church luncheon outings
Resident pays for electric thru City Public Service; San Antonio Housing Authority pays for water.