Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority
- 918 Chamberlayne Parkway, Richmond, VA 23220
- 804-780-4908
- $100 - $798** crowd sourced

About This Building
Public housing is available only to low-income families and individuals. Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority determines eligibility based on (1) annual gross income; (2) whether you qualify as elderly, a person with a disability, or as a family; and (3) U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status. If you are eligible, the authority will check your references to make sure you and your family will be good tenants. The authority will deny admission to any applicant whose habits and practices may be expected to have a detrimental effect on other tenants or on the public housing community's environment.
The authority uses income limits established by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (Virginia HUD office). HUD sets the lower-income limit at 80% and very-low-income-limit at 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area in which you choose to live. Income limits vary from area to area so you may be eligible at one housing authority but no another. The authority can provide you with the income levels for the city of Richmond and family size.
If you are interested in applying for public housing, contact the Authority at (804) 780-4908 / TTY - Dial 711 or visit RRHA offices at 918 Chamberlayne Parkway, Richmond, VA 23220.