South Pointe Landing Apartments
- 6100 Cricklewood Dr., Richmond, VA 23234
- 1-855-888-8373
- $130 - $700** crowd sourced

About This Building
South Pointe Landing is a tax credit community so we do have income limitations.
Please do see belowfor income maximums.60%/50%1 Occupant$31,800 / $26,500 2 Occupants$36,300 / $30,250 3 Occupants$40,860 / $34,0504
Occupants$45,360 / $37,8005 Occupants$49,020 / $40,8506 Occupants$52,620 / $43,8507 Occupants$56,280 / $46,900South Pointe Landing is also a second chance credit community as well.
This means that we accept all types of rental and credit history. If you have any question please call the number provided.