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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Fort Worth, Texas Housing Choice Voucher
  • Phone Number
    Will soon be updated
  • Location
    1201 East 13th Street Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76102
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The Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from January 25, 2021, until January 29, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.

To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.

This waiting list had the following preferences:

  • Displaced families
    For purposes of the local preference only, the definition of a displaced family is: an individual or family displaced as a result of a natural disaster; government action (eminent domain); HUD disposition of a multi-family complex (which includes moves necessary due to modernization or demolition programs instituted by FWHS); disposition of Public Housing units owned by FWHS, including sale of Scattered Sites units; Public Housing deemed uninhabitable by FWHS; conversion of Public Housing units to Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD); or a need to move due to hate crimes or because they have agreed to testify for a legal proceeding regarding a criminal action. The Housing Choice Voucher Program wait list always remains open to applicants who qualify for this preference.
  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
    Preference for victims of domestic violence who are FWHS Public Housing (PH) or Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program residents and need an external emergency transfer under VAWA when there are no PH or RAD units available.
  • Public housing reasonable accommodation for a disability
    An individual or family who is residing in a FWHS public housing unit but whose special needs due to a disability cannot be economically met in one of the public housing sites will receive a preference under the Hocusing Choice Voucher Program.
  • Homeless collage students
    Ten vouchers are set aside for homeless students who are homeless and enrolled fulltime in a local accredited college or university’s special program for homeless students. Applicants must be referred by the program in accordance with provisions outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement between FWHS and the college or university.
  • Homeless families with school aged children
    Twenty vouchers are set aside for homeless families with children in the Fort Worth Independent School District, or a neighboring school district. Applicants must be referred by the school district in accordance with provisions outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement between FWHS and the respective school district. 
  • Money follows the person
    Ten vouchers are set aside for persons being discharged from a nursing facility or other institutional care setting for communitybased long term housing. Applicants must be referred by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) in accordance with provisions outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement between FWHS and DADS. 
  • My healthy my resources (MHMR)
    Forty vouchers are set aside for homeless persons with disabilities who are referred by MHMR of Tarrant County. August 2020 4-4 Applicants must be referred by MHMR in accordance with provisions outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement between FWHS and MHMR of Tarrant County. 
  • Tarrant county homeless coalition
    Fifty vouchers are set aside for persons who are homeless and are on the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition (TCHC) Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry List. Referrals must be made by TCHC in accordance with provisions outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement between FWHS and TCHC.
  • Permeant supportive housing "move-up"
    One hundred fifty vouchers will be set aside for individuals or families moving up from a local Continuum of Care Permanent Supportive Housing Program. Referred applicants must meet self sufficiency criteria established by FWHS and certified by their supportive services representative. 
  • Non-elderly persons with disabilities
    A preference will be given to non-elderly persons with disabilities who are transitioning out of institutional and other segregated settings, currently experiencing homelessness, or previously experienced homelessness and currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project.

5,000 applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, weighed by order of preferences

For more information, visit the FWHS website.

Sources: This information was verified by the FWHS Facebook page on January 18, 2021.

Service Area

This waiting list is for rental assistance in Fort Worth, Texas.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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