Elderly or Disabled Living
- 8245 Irish Dr Fort Worth, TX 76180
- 817-576-2584

About This Building
Elderly or Disabled Living as a nonprofit 501c3 charity, EDLs mission is to reduce costs associated with housing. They specifically provide help to lower income elderly or disabled individuals. EDL is not a home care facility though. Their nonprofit has many cost reducing techniques available to them. EDLs service includes but isnt limited to monetary assistance (e.g. the following is not a exclusive list): Dr. bills, cable, Internet, health insurance, car payment, electric, rent, and mortgage. Qualifications: ELDERLY: A person 55 years of age or older DISABLED: Anyone determined to be disabled by the federal government, anyone who receives disability payments, or anyone who is a DARS client. HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm. Email for more information.