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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Arizona Housing Choice Voucher
  • Phone Number
    Will soon be updated
  • Location
    235 South Arizona Avenue Chandler, Maricopa County, Arizona 85225
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The City of Chandler Housing and Redevelopment Division (CCHRD) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. Pre-applications were last accepted from January 27, 2020, until February 10, 2020.

There were five ways to apply during the opening period: 

  1. Complete the online pre-application.
  2. Request a paper pre-application by calling the CCHRD.
  3. Send an email to the CCHRD.
  4. Pick up a pre-application the CCHRD office.
  5. Send a fax CCHRD.

Once the pre-application was completed, it must have been either:

  1. Postmarked between January 27, 2020 and February 10, 2020 ; and mailed to to the CCHRD office.

  2. Dropped off at the CCHRD office.

  3. Emailed to CCHRD.

  4. Faxed to CCHRD.

The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:

1 Person: $25,500 | 5 Persons: $39,400

2 Persons: $29,200 | 6 Persons: $42,300

3 Persons: $32,850 | 7 Persons: $45,200

4 Persons: $36,450 | 8 Persons: $48,150

This waiting list had the following preferences:

  • Displaced: Applicants displaced by government action OR a disaster recognized by Federal disaster laws.
  • Living and/or Working in Chandler: Applicants must physically live in the City of Chandler, OR must physically work, OR be hired to work, in the City of Chandler.
  • Chronically Homeless: As defined in 24 CFR 578.3 A person with a disability who lives either in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or emergency shelter continuously for at least 12 months, OR on at least four separate occasions in the last three years, where the combined length of homeless occasions is equal to at least 12 months. Each period separating the homeless occasions or break must consist of 7 or more consecutive nights where the individual is not living in a homeless situation.
  • Currently Employed/Employment Program: At least one adult family member works at least 20 hours a week outside the City of Chandler, attends an employment training program, or attends school on a full-time basis.
  • Elderly: The head and/or spouse is elderly (62+ years of age).
  • Disabled: Disabled families and families with a disabled household member.

4,000 applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, weighed by order of preferences.

For more information, visit the CCHRD website.

Sources: This information was verified by the CCHRD website, as of January 24, 2020.

Service Area

This waiting list is for rental assistance in Chandler, Arizona.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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