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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Lake County, California Section 8 HCV
  • Phone Number
    (707) 995-3744
  • Location
    14092 Lakeshore Drive,Clearlake,CA
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The Lake County Housing Commission (LCHC) will accept Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list applications from May 15, 2023 until May 29, 2023 or until 100 applications are accepted

There are four ways to apply during the opening period:

  1. Pick up application from LCHC’s main office located at 16170 Main Street, Suite F in Lower Lake, CA 95457. M-F from 8:00 am, until 5:00 pm PT

  2. Print the paper application

  3. Call (707) 995-3744 to request an application by mail

  4. Mail a letter to the LCHC's main office, address mentioned above to request an application by mail

Once the paper application has been completed, it must be either:

  1. Mailed to the LCHC's PO Box 1049, Lower Lake, CA 95457

  2. Faxed to (707) 994-2642

  3. Hand delivered to the LCHC's main office, address mentioned above

The maximum income limits for each household size are as follows:

  • 1 Person $27,300 | 5 Persons $42,100
  • 2 Persons $31,200 | 6 Persons $45,200
  • 3 Persons $35,100 | 7 Person $48,300
  • 4 Persons $38,950 | 8 Persons $51,450

This waiting list has the following preferences:

  • Families that has been terminated from its HCV program due to insufficient program funding

  • Families that include victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking who have been referred by either a partnering service agency or consortia or is seeking an emergency transfer under VAWA from the LCHC’s public housing program or other covered housing program operated by the LCHC

  • Families that have been terminated from the HCV program due to insufficient funding and then assist families that qualify for the VAWA preference

Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences

For more information, visit the LCHC website

Sources: This information was verified by the LCHC website on May 2, 2023

Service Area

This waiting list is for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance in Lake County, California

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments

Reasonable Accommodation

Applicants who need help completing the application due to disability can make a reasonable accommodation request to the housing authority via (707) 995-3744.

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