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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Connecticut Housing Choice Voucher
  • Phone Number
    Will soon be updated
  • Location
    110 Prospect Street Torrington, Litchfield County, Connecticut 6790
Next Waiting List


The Housing Authority of the City of Torrington (HACT) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. Pre-applications were last accepted from February 17, 2020, until February 28, 2020. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.

There are two ways to apply during the opening period:

  1. Complete the online pre-application here.
  2. Print the paper pre-application online. The pre-application is available in English and Spanish.

Once the pre-application has been completed, it must be postmarked between February 17, 2020 and February 28, 2020; and mailed to Torrington Housing Authority, 110 Prospect Street, Torrington, CT 06790.

According to the HACT, "There can only be one pre-application per envelope. Multiple pre-applications per envelope will result in all pre-applications being discarded. Pre-applications received outside the listed postmark dates will be discarded. Applications will NOT be accepted by hand delivery, fax or email. Only one pre-application will be accepted for each prospective participant household. Multiple pre-applications received containing one or more of the same names and/or social security numbers will be discarded. Only completed and legible applications will be accepted."

The maximum income limits for each household size are as follows:

1 Person $35,350 | 5 Person $54,500
2 Person $40,400 | 6 Person $58,550
3 Person $45,450 | 7 Person $62,200
4 Person $50,450 | 8 Person $66,500

Preferences have not yet been confirmed.

1,000 applicants will be placed on the waiting list by random lottery.

Letters will be sent only to applicants who were placed on the waiting list. If an applicant has not received a letter by April 15, 2020, their pre-application was not selected.

For more information, visit the HACT website.

Sources: This information was provided by Connecticut Public Notices, as of February 17, 2020.

Service Area

This waiting list is for rental assistance in Torrington, Connecticut.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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