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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    City of Fort Lauderdale and Broward County, FloridaSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher
  • Phone Number
    (850) 769-1596
  • Location
    437 Southwest 4th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida 33315
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The Housing Authority of the City of Fort Lauderdale (HACFL) is accepting Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list applications from March 25, 2024 at 9:00 am, until March 29, 2024 at 5:00 pm ET. This is the first time the waiting list has been open since it closed in March, 2021

Please note: This waiting list is not managed by the Broward County Housing Authority. Do not contact the Broward County Housing Authority for information about this waiting list opening. The Housing Authority of the City of Fort Lauderdale manages this waiting list, which serves Broward County, Florida

To apply while the waitlist is open, complete the online application

The maximum income limits for each household size are as follows:

  • 1 Person $33,600 | 5 Persons $51,850
  • 2 Persons $38,400 | 6 Persons $55,700
  • 3 Persons $43,200 | 7 Person $59,550
  • 4 Persons $48,000 | 8 Persons $63,400

This waiting list has the following preferences:

  • Family that has been terminated from its HCV program due to insufficient program funding

  • Residents being displaced due to demolition/disposition and/or redevelopment and/or rehabilitation of the Housing Authority of the City of Fort Lauderdale and/or other Housing Authorities in Broward County public housing units

  • Disabled tenants of the HACFL’ Project Based Voucher Programs who are required to move out of the Project Based Voucher Unit due to a documented and approved Reasonable Accommodation Request for a person with disabilities

  • A preference for 20 Non-Elderly persons with disabilities who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness

  • A local preference to serve 20 families under HIP (Homeless Initiative Partnership Section) in the fight to end homelessness. HIP represents an innovative system of care that provides integrated health and supportive services that meet the needs of vulnerable homeless Broward County at risk families

  • According to BCHSD (Broward County’s Human Services Department) 2018 research approximately 2,318 Broward County residents are part of Broward County’s population of homeless families

  • VAWA – Under Public Housing, Project Based Subsidy and RAD if a resident has been verified as requiring an Emergency Transfer the HACFL will offer to place the resident in another unit that meets the family’s needs. Should a unit not be available, a transfer to a different site will be offered. If the site does not have a unit that meets the family’s needs, a HCV may be offered as a last alternative if one is available

  • VASH to Homeownership - The HACFL will offer a preference of graduating from VASH Voucher to HCV to any VASH family that has enrolled and successfully purchased a home through the Homeownership Program for the purpose of continued subsidy, should the voucher holder choose to use the option

  • A local preference to serve 15 families under HEART (Housing, Empowerment, Achievement, Recovery & Triumph) Alliance for Sustainable Families. HEART represents an innovative system of care that provides integrated subsidized housing and a supportive services network that advances family stability for 50 at risk families. According to HEART, approximately 414 children are homeless. The majority of these children their siblings, and parents are part of Broward County’s population of homeless families

  • Non-elderly, disabled tenants of Sunnyreach who are displaced by elderly designation of the building and who desire to move from their unit

3,000 applicants will be placed on the waiting list by random lottery, weighed by order of preferences

For more information, visit the HACFL website

Sources: This information was verified by the Sun Sentinel Classifieds Public Notice on March 4, 2024

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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