Jacksonville Housing Authority Mainstream Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
Waiting List StatusOpen
Program TypeSection 8
Phone Number(904) 630-3810
Location1300 Broad Street, Jacksonville, FL
This waiting list is for Mainstream Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental housing assistance in Jacksonville, Florida.
The Jacksonville Housing Authority (JHA) Section 8 Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently open. Applications are being accepted from February 8, 2021 at 8:00 am ET, until further notice.
Please note: According to the JHA public notice, this waiting list is for "persons who are disabled and between the ages of 18 and 61."
To apply during the opening period, complete the online application here.
The maximum income limits for each household size are as follows:
- 1 Person $42,000 | 5 Persons $64,800
- 2 Persons $48,000 | 6 Persons $69,600
- 3 Persons $54,000 | 7 Persons $74,400
- 4 Persons $60,000 | 8 Persons $79,200
This waiting list has the following preferences:
- Families with Disabled persons.
- Elderly – Age 62 and above.
- Veterans (Honorable discharge only).
- Displacement preference-Dwelling has been condemned by government action.
- Victims of Domestic Violence.
- Local - (Residency Preference - Duval county).
Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the JHA website.
Sources: This information was verified by the JHA on February 5, 2021.
How to apply
- Find and contact the housing authority
- Determine your eligibility and apply
- Receive the rental voucher
- Find affordable apartments