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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Section 8
  • Phone Number
    (910) 259-1208
  • Location
    805 South Walker Street, Burgaw, NC
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This waiting list is for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental housing assistance in Pender County, North Carolina.

The Pender County Housing Authority (PCHA) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is open on the first business day of each month. Prior to converting to a rolling opening (one day per month) the waiting list was open in 2016 and added 300 applicants to the waiting list.Paper applications are accepted from 9AM to 4PM on the first business day of each month. Applications must be dropped in the blue drop box outside the County Admin Building at 805 South Walker Street, Burgaw, NC. Download and print the pre-application online. Note: This PDF application is the one used when the waiting list opened in 2016. You should contact the housing authority to confirm this is the correct application. Also, this application link is not using a secure connection and you will get a notice as such though the PDF is safe to use.Please note: A link to the application is no longer available on the PCHA website, as of September 11, 2016. We have provided a link ourselves, with permission from the PCHA office.The housing authority does not accept Section 8 applications via email, postal mail or by fax. The paper application must be dropped in the designated drop box.There is a preference for seniors and persons with disabilities. Otherwise, applicants will be placed on the waiting list in the order the applications were received.Important note: Applicants who have been placed on the waiting list must inform the housing authority immediately if your application information changes (such as contact information, income, and household members). In the case that the office sends a notice that does not get returned, or if application information is out of date, your name may be terminated from the waiting list. Contact the housing authority to find out how to update application information.For more information, visit the PCHA website, or call the office at (910) 259-1208.

SourceThis information was verified on the Pender County website on August 27, 2024 by Dave Layfield.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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