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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Section 8
  • Phone Number
  • Location
    245 Middle Street, Portsmouth, NH
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The Portsmouth Housing Authority (PHA) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently open. Pre-applications are being accepted since at lease August 12, 2019, until further notice.

There are two ways to apply during the opening period: 

  1. Open and print the pre-application online. Select the orange "APPLY NOW (Download Application)" button.
  2. Pick up a pre-application from the PHA office, located at 245 Middle Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801.
  3. Call 603-436-4310 or TDD 1-800-545-1833, ext. 825 to request an application by mail.

Once the pre-application has been completed, it must be either:

  1. Dropped off in person to the PHA office, address mentioned above.
  2. Mailed to the PHA office, address mentioned above.
  3. Faxed to (603) 436-4937.
  4. Emailed to [email protected].

This waiting list has the following preferences:

  • Currently live in the City of Portsmouth or work over 20 hours/week in the City of Portsmouth.
  • Veteran as verified by the Department of Veteran Affairs or spouse is a veteran as verified by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
  • Working head of household, or working spouse or person 62 or older, or a person who is unable to work because of their disability.
  • Homeless.

It is not known how selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list.

For more information, visit the PHA Housing Choice Voucher Information page, or the PHA website.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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