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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Cathedral Square Apartments, Low Income Housing Tax CreditOther Project Based
  • Phone Number
    Will soon be updated
  • Location
    2251 Table Rock Road Medford, Jackson County, Oregon 97501
Next Waiting List


This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Medford, Oregon

The Housing Authority of Jackson County (HAJC) is accepting Low Income Housing Tax Credit waiting list applications for Cathedral Square Apartments from the earliest confirmed open date of September 12, 2023, until further notice.

To apply while the waitlist is open, print the paper application

Once the paper application is completed, it was either:

  1. Dropped off in person to the HAJC, located at 2251 Table Rock Road Medford, OR 97501

  2. Faxed to (541) 857-1118

The maximum income limits for each household size are as follows:

  • 1 Person $26,600 | 4 Persons $38,000
  • 2 Persons $30,400 | 5 Persons $41,050
  • 3 Persons $34,200 | 6 Person $44,100

Preferences have not yet been confirmed

It is not known how applicants will be placed on the waiting list, by order of preferences

For more information, visit the HAJC website

Sources: This information was verified by the HAJC website on September 12, 2023

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments
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