Section 8 Waiting List
Marion County Housing Authority
Marion County, OregonSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
Marion County, OregonSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
Waiting List StatusOpen
Program TypeMarion County, OregonSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher
Phone NumberWill soon be updated
Location2645 Portland Road Northeast Salem, Marion County, Oregon 97301
This waiting list is for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental housing assistance in Marion County, Oregon
The Marion County Housing Authority (MCHA) is accepting Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list applications from July 15, 2024 at 8:00 am, until August 15, 2024 at 4:00 pm PT.
This waiting list has the following preferences:
- Marion County Housing Authority will offer a preference to any family terminated from the Housing Choice Voucher program due to insufficient funding
- Program Transfer Preference: For families that are currently served in another permanent housing assistance program administered by MCHA when the other program is unable to serve the family and when necessary for MCHA to house the family
- Beachie Creek Wildfire Evacuee’s: Priority 1
- Households displaced by the Beachie Creek wildfire. This preference will sunset after 100 vouchers have been issued
- Special Programs Preference: Priority 2
- This program encompasses any family with a household member who is currently receiving services from a Marion County-administered program including: Marion County Health Department (including all sub-programs), Marion County Parole & Probation, Marion County Juvenile Department, and Marion County Victims Services
- Rent Burdened preference: Priority 3
- Households living in rural Marion County. Households are considered to be rent burden if A) they had been issued a non-payment of rent notice in the past six months or B) the households pays more than 50% of their income towards rent and utilities
- Residency preference: Priority 4
- Families receive a residency preference if they live, work or have been hired to work in the jurisdiction of Marion County Housing Authority
- Homelessness Preference: Priority 4
- In order to be eligible for the homelessness preference, individuals and families must meet the HUD definition of homelessness
Selection Process
Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences
Application Method
There are two ways to apply while the waitlist is open:
- Complete the online application
- Complete an application in person at the MCHA office, located at 2645 Portland Road NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301
For more information, visit the MCHA website
Sources: This information was verified by the MCHA website on July 8, 2024
How to apply
- Find and contact the housing authority
- Determine your eligibility and apply
- Receive the rental voucher
- Find affordable apartments