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  • Waiting List Status
  • Program Type
    Montpelier Housing Authority Housing Choice Voucher
  • Phone Number
  • Location
    155 Main Street Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont 5602
Next Waiting List


The Montpelier Housing Authority (MHA) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently open until further notice.

To apply, visit the MHA office for an in person interview, located at 155 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 05602, or call 802-229-9232 for a phone interview.

Qualified applicants will then have an application mailed to them. Applicants must mail back the completed application to the address listed above.

The following preferences have been noted: Involuntarily displaced, living in substandard housing, paying more than 50 percent of family income for rent for at least 90 days.

After sorting preferences, accepted applications will be placed on the waiting list by date and time received. 

As of June 2015, it takes accepted households 3-5 years to reach the top of the waiting list.

For more information, call the MHA office at 802-229-9232.

How to apply

  • Find and contact the housing authority
  • Determine your eligibility and apply
  • Receive the rental voucher
  • Find affordable apartments

Reasonable Accommodation

Applicants who need help completing the application due to disability can make a reasonable accommodation request to the housing authority via (802)229-9232.

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