Section 8 Waiting List
Vermont State Housing Authority
State of VermontSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
State of VermontSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List
Waiting List StatusClosed
Program TypeState of VermontSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher
Phone Number(409) 945-4011
Location1 Prospect Street Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont 5602
The Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) last accepted State Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list applications from October 1, 2022, until December 22, 2023. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen
There were four ways to apply during the opening period:
- Complete the online application
- Print the paper application
- Pick up the application from the VSHA
- Call the Housing Program Administration Intake Division
This waiting list had the following preferences:
- Disaster Preference: This preference is available to Vermont families who are displaced due to fire, flood, natural disaster, or condemnation by a local, State, or Federal Agency
- Housing Instability Preference: This preference is available to families with incomes at 30% of Area Median Income (AMI) or below who are at risk of homelessness or housing instability and meet the following definitions:
- One or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by providing: 1
- A past-due utility or rent notice, or eviction notice; and/or
- Documentation of unsafe or unhealthy living conditions; and/or
- Expiration of time-limited rental assistance benefits operated by a program located in Vermont (examples: Vermont Emergency Rental Assistance Program, Rapid Rehousing Housing, etc.); or
- Any other evidence of risk, as determined by the PHA
- One or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by providing: 1
- Move-Up Preference: This preference is available to families with incomes above 30% of AMI up to 50% of AMI who meet the following criteria:
- actively receiving rental assistance benefits through a VSHA administered rental assistance program;
- family is certified to be in compliance with benefit program & tenancy requirements
- Preference for non-elderly persons with disabilities transitioning out of institutions
- Preference for Vermont Residents
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences
For more information, visit the VSHA website
Sources: This information was verified by the VSHA public notice on December 27, 2023.
How to apply
- Find and contact the housing authority
- Determine your eligibility and apply
- Receive the rental voucher
- Find affordable apartments